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Showing posts from February, 2018

Apple's Downfall

Apple Newton, Apple’s struggles summed up in one device. The Newton was a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) that was released in the early 1990s. During this time, Steve Jobs quit and left his own company because of internal conflicts, and left the CEO at the time John Sculley in charge. The Jobsless Apple was starting to struggle and was “experimenting” with many ideas including digital cameras and video games, but nothing seem to stick. And one of these experiments was the Apple Newton. Now Apple’s PDA did not go mainstream and was swept under the rug for a reason. Before that, It is time to talk about the development of the Newton. It was released in 1993 and was the first to have handwriting recognition. The Newton developed cycle was a smooth throughout, except towards the middle, for the company and their first time creating such a device. Apple was able to get a custom AISC chip with 163 mhz that was quite powerful for a portable device at the time and energy efficient. It ra

Timing Days

Sundial, the only device not to work in the dark after solar panels. Sundials are quite the important leap for man because it was the first time in human history that we are able to tell and manage time. There simple yet effective design (only if there was sunlight of course) provided a way for early humans to keep up a schedule for the work throughout the day. Without this invention, life as we know it could be completely out of sync. The history of sundial and time it self start with, like everything, in Egypt. Their sundial was a stick or pillar that they would stick in the ground and told time of the length of the shadow. The Egyptians also created another form of the sundial which was a t-shape. This sundial had 5 hours were written on the stick and would be set up two way, one in the morning with the stick facing east, then west when afternoon came along. The Greeks created a sundial which was called “pelekinon”. This sundial was different because it is closer to the sundi

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Telegraph, the first device to allow people to finally “text “ one-another even an ocean away. I would be writing about more specifically about the electric telegraph.Basically a telegraph is a machine that is able to send information through Morse’s code. The telegraph was the first to send information to one place to another no matter the distance and in a matter of minutes! This means that important information like treaties, war status, etc could be sent without waiting weeks for a letter. The invention of the electric telegraph is mostly thank by two set of researchers: Sir William and Sir Charles Wheatstone also Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail. Morse and Vail helped to develop what now we know as Morse’s code which is made up of dots and dashes for each letter of the alphabet. While William and Charles are credited with building the machine itself in 1830s after the discovery of the first battery by Alessandro Volta and Hans Christian Oersted discovery of the connection betwe